The Best Halloweekend: Voodoo Music + Arts Experience
If you don’t know what Halloweekend is, you probably need lifestyle change. It’s every college student’s favorite weekend of fall semester, and a season-opener for the most wonderful time of the year. I spent my Halloweekend in New Orleans at Voodoo Fest and it was definitely the spookiest yet. This year’s line-up was STACKED with crowd pleasers like The Killers, Cold War Kids, and Texas’ very own Post Malone. I had the chance to see LCD Soundsystem for the first time and it was probably my favorite set of the weekend. The only reason I say probably and not definitely is because of Chicano Batman. Their set on Friday at the Toyota Music Den was intimate, energetic, and everything I needed to become their new biggest fan. Aside from the music (as if that weren’t enough), there were a lot of other things to do. You can spend some downtime away from the noise looking at art installations, shopping at the Market Place, sharing a cold one with the boys at the Brew Dat Beer Hall, eating NOLA’s finest local cuisine at the Forked Up Food Court, riding carnival rides, and even exploring a haunted house. Overall, Voodoo was truly the best way for me to get into the Halloween Spirit before the reality of midterms hit. It was 100% worth the 7 hour road trip and janky last-minute Airbnb. If you’re like me and are already thinking about next Halloweekend, I’d definitely keep Voodoo Music + Arts Experience in mind. 10/10 would recommend. Check out these pictures from the fest, all courtesy of Roger Ho: Written by: Danielle Gonzalez
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