Time to Bust Out the Candy and Hearts
Hello dear frequency readers! It’s the start of a new year and a new semester, it’s about time we came around to our first holiday! (Even though I would argue that Pancake Day and Pizza Day should be widely recognized by all companies and businesses as a official and respected holiday). Yes, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner so I thought I would gather a few friends (Carly Thompson, Alex Stauffer and Morgan Tallent) together and have a small Q&A about their thoughts and plans for Valentine’s Day. Here we go! Q: Who are you spending Valentine’s Day with? Carly: "My roommates and hopefully my best friend!" Alex: "My textbooks and my boyfriend… I have a test on Monday. (Yay Exams!)" Morgan: "My fiancé!" Q: Are you expecting to receive or give a present? Carly: "I’m definitely giving presents but I don’t expect to get anything." Alex: "I’m giving all my roommates gifts! But I’m not expecting to receive anything." Morgan: "I don’t ever expect anything but I usually receive something and I give a present no matter what." Q: Best Valentine’s Day you’ve ever had? (recent or past) Carly: "Second Grade! We had little pockets on the wall and mine was so full that it fell off the wall; mainly because someone tried to shove a stuffed animal into my pocket." Alex: "My mother and I used to go get our nails done and my Dad and brother would get us flowers." Morgan: "My fiancé and I, well boyfriend at the time, went to Kemah Boardwalk and rode rides, ate tons of good food and finished the day near Galveston on the beach watching the sunset." Q: What would be your ideal Valentine’s Day? Carly: "A trip to the Maldives! With my best friends and some good times." Alex: "A trip to New Zealand with my boyfriend to take a fjord tour." Morgan: "My ideal Valentine’s Day is simple. Just spending time with the one I love. Whether it’s a Netflix and chill type of date or driving to some random town and spending the day there. As long as I’m with them I’m happy… and maybe some wine or chocolate." Q: What song represents your Valentine’s Day? Carly: What’s Love Got To Do With It– Tina Turner Alex: Never Gonna Give You Up– Rick Astley Morgan: "Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay OR Partition by Beyoncé… really depends on how the day goes ya know?" So all in all, Valentine's Day doesn't sound too terrible, just watching some Netflix, eating some cookie dough with some good friends; or you know that significant other if you have one of those.
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