Staff Spotlight: Nathan Timm, Secretary
by Gwen Howerton
What was the first band or artist that solidified your love of music?
I remember hearing Bon Iver’s, 22, A Million for the first time on the drive up to Wisconsin during a winter break in high school. I listened to it at the perfect time in my life. The production, lyricism, and themes completely broke what I thought was possible through the medium of music. It sounds crazy, but it shifted my idea of music away from being just spectacle. Why does Justin Vernon yelling about birds and creeks into a vocoder create frission? Why does a V – I chord progression offer so much resolution? You’ll have to suspend your disbelief and forgive my pretense when I say music, as I understand it, is metaphysical thing that can transcend spacially, temporally, and above capital. It’s embarrassing! But I have to believe it. John Maus talks about this in his interview with Pitchfork, “I believe music is part in parcel with the structures of power at any given time. Romanticism was perfectly part in parcel with the Bourgeoisie individualism. And of course, the Renaissance and Medieval music was perfectly part in parcel with the church as the dominant structure of power. So today, the dominant structure of power is capital, capitalism, global capitalism. So music takes on this commodified quality, it answers to that and to that alone. If we want to enter any conversation with those pieces, with those works, we have to do it through our own objective historical moment using the vernacular, which is, as far as I can tell, pop music.”
How did you first hear about KANM, and what made you want to join?
I first heard about KANM when I was a freshman. My friend Kyle and I would talk with me about music after our pep band rehearsals, and he mentioned wanting to join the org with me. I didn’t join until I was a 2nd year sophomore, but it was well worth it. I was surprised there were so many people who enjoyed art (music, movies, Twitter, and podcasts) the same way I did. It felt like a perfect fit from the start.
What is your favorite memory from your time in KANM?
My first party with KANM had an emo/scene theme. I came woefully unprepared in a red and black plaid flannel, and before I knew it I was sitting on the stairs getting eyeliner drawn onto me. I opened my eyes to half a dozen women staring down at me, most of which I hadn’t learned their names yet. “It feels like I’m in hell” I said. I think that image sits in my head as the perfect metaphor for who I knew I had to become. These were my people, and I knew in no time that they would be my closest friends.
Do you have a show? If so, what’s your favorite part about doing a show?
Matthew and I have Liner Notes, a show that listens to and discusses important albums. My favorite part is when we have guests, I love hearing them share something they’re passionate about with us.
Who are your favorite artists right now?
Animal Collective, John Maus, Colin Stetson, and Justin Vernon.
What other extracurriculars are you involved in here at A&M?
I’m the Corporate Relations Officer for Student Geoscience Council. Also, I used to be in Student Bonfire and the Hullabaloo Pep Band.
What’s your major, and what are your plans for after graduation?
I’m a Junior Environmental Geoscience major. After graduation, I hope I can find a decent job. I feel like I could tolerate living just about anywhere. It’d be nice to work in the public environmental sector, maybe at the federal level, but that’s pretty lofty. Maybe I’ll try joining the circus, or becoming a flight attendant.
Check out Nathan's favorite tracks here:
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